Wingnut Wings 1/32 Scale Gotha G.I Model Kit

Wingnut Wings 1/32 Scale Gotha G.I Model Kit

Wingnut Wings

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Availability is limited and offered while supplies last. These kits are no longer being produced.

Although built in very limited numbers, the highly distinctive twin engine Gotha G.1 is nevertheless an important aircraft as it set Gothaer Waggonfabrik on the path to building the more conventional bombers that they became famous for. The aircraft that would serve as the prototype Gotha G.1 was designed by Oskar Ursinus (the founder and editor of Flugsport magazine) to the German Army"s Type III aircraft specifications for a 200hp, 3 seater able to fly at over 120kph and carry 450kg for up to 6 hours. Ursinus proposed the idea of building his Kampfflugzeug (battle plane) to Fliegerersatz Abteilung 3 (FEA 3) commander Major Friedel in August 1914 with construction beginning the following month utilizing FEA 3 personnel.

The Friedel-Ursinus “FU” Kampfflugzeug, having now been given the serial number B.1092/14, took to the air at the end of January 1915. The high position of the partially armoured fuselage (intended to provide protection during aerial duels) allowed the two 100hp Daimler-Mercedes D.1 engines to be placed as close together as possible to reduce the yaw effect following an engine failure and offered great visibility, but provided no protection to the crew in the event of a nose over crash. Additionally it was considered to be underpowered and the fuselage design was considered weak. After further evaluation and minor changes, “FU” B.1092/14 was sent to the eastern front for operational trials.

  • 63cm x 37cm.
  • High quality Cartograf decals for 5 aircraft.
  • 349 high quality injection moulded plastic parts.
  • 9 photo-etched metal detail parts.
  • 150hp Benz Bz.III engines.
  • 20kg & 50kg Carbonit bombs, optional lMG 08, LMG 14 & 2cm Becker cannon armament.
  • Fine in scale rib tape detail.
  • Full rigging diagrams.

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